Euris among the speakers in the pharma Healthtech 2021 edition


Euris has been pleased to speak on this third edition of PHARMA HEALTHTECH, the unmissable annual meeting of Technologies and Pharma, on September 16, 2021.

Several leaders of the pharmaceutical industry discussed the concrete analysis of the impacts of technological progress on health uses and practices.

Euris shared its expertise in round table number 4: Doctor 2.0, pharmacist 3.0… patient 4.0: the new frontier of digital uses.


• Round Table 1: “HealthTech: nothing is impossible anymore!” 

A look back at the extraordinary adventure of vaccines against SARS-Cov2. An achievement that is based primarily on the experience gained from platforms already developed against other infectious diseases. Besides the vaccine, the use of immunotherapy also opens up new possibilities. What lessons for the future ?

• Ipsos workshop: Presentation of the results of the Ipsos Digital Doctors Barometer

• Round Table 2: “RW Data: the market access revolution”

Properly exploited, data constitutes a formidable lever for accelerating access to the market, generalizing stratified medicine and winning new historic victories against long incurable pathologies.

• Quantmetry workshop: Data Science & IA practical case

• Keynote: “How to anchor digital practice at the heart of care? From geek to doctor? ”

• Round Table 3: “Health data: use and treatment, new collaborations”

The crisis demonstrates the urgent need to come to an understanding between manufacturers to build global health solutions and control intellectual property. A battle to be fought with… or against the GAFA?

• Keynote: “Barometer of digital transformation in health: Part 2021”

logo-Euris • Round Table 4: “Doctor 2.0, pharmacists 3.0… patient 4.0: the new frontier of digital uses”

Technological changes will sweep away the traditional organization of health. The health care delivery system needs to be reinvented to get the most out of it. Manufacturers must build new links with stakeholders.

• Round Table 5: “Public health: and tomorrow… better educate, better prevent, better respond…”

The post-crisis period will have to open up to new ambitions for public health. Technologies represent a fabulous hope for promoting a shared culture of risk prevention. How can manufacturers contribute to it ?

• Closing: “E-health and Presidency of Europe in 2022: Bringing French excellence”


Publication in Pharmaceutiques  :

“Despite obvious progress, France still has to fill a significant gap in maturity, particularly compared to certain Asian countries. “We will have to go faster and further to digitize our healthcare system”, confirms Delphine Poulat, co-founder and CEO of Euris. She cites three concrete ways to achieve this: technological agility, compliance with regulations and control of uses. “Operator training and user support will be two major challenges”

Find the Pharmaceutiques article on this link

Find the video interview of Delphine Poulat on this link

Publication in TechToMed

“Pharma Healthtech 2021: technological acceleration serving pharma and its challenges – Episode 2” available on this link

The event was moderated by Jérôme Leleu, President of Interaction Healthcare and included the following speakers:

Delphine Poulat

CEO and Co-Founder of Euris

Timothé Cynober

Head of Digital Innovation at Novartis

David De Amorim

Director of Development and R&D at Mes Docteurs

Thomas Brunet

Chairman and Co-Founder at Apodis Pharma

More informations on this link